Improve call center agent’s equipment onboarding experience


High call center agent turnover rate. The client wants to craft the virtual onboarding equipment experience to empower agents to deliver positive customer outcomes.


The client can give its new agents a “professional hug” that sets them up for success on day one and brings them into the company’s culture.


Raised the call center agent’s satisfaction rate. Delivered a consistent, guided experience on packaging, editorial, and mobile app design for new agents.

The client and frog partnered in a 7-week engagement to improve the Virtual Agent Equipment Setup Experience, empowering agents to deliver positive outcomes for the company’s customers. My role in this project is a visual designer. I worked with the team, ensuring the design aligned with the company’s brand guide and supported the creation of the final deliverables. Including the mobile app design, physical printed welcome booklet, and packaging labels.

Equipment onboarding experience from start to finish

Package exterior label design

Package interior label system design

Physical welcome booklet design

Mobile app step-by-step onboarding

Our concept breaks down the new agent equipment setup experience into multiple user touchpoints. The final concept includes the exterior/interior/physical and digital guidance that helps new agents be prepared and succeed in their new job. In addition, the new equipment setup experience ties in with the company branding and provides a cohesive and delightful experience. It minimizes shipment, includes step-by-step guidance, and offers moments of delight to the new agents.

Current equipment onboarding experience



Digital guidance

In recent experience, the new agents receive four boxes. Three of them are from the distribution center, containing the hardware for the agents’ computers. The fourth one is sent by the company which includes the company-issued phone. The company’s branding is minimal on the packaging and contents. The experience lacks the welcoming feeling.

User Research & Findings

After finishing the user interview, the frog team aligned on what it stood out to us. There are three parts that stood out to us the most from the user interview.

Packaging as a Reflection of company investment

  • A nice unboxing experience shows the company cares about their employee.

  • A pleasant setup experience shows the company is willing to invest and create a welcoming experience for the new agents.

Aesthetic value vs. functional value of the box is an important balance

  • The importance of the boxes are not only as aesthetic pleasing outside.

  • The functional value of the boxes are equally important as the aesthetic value.

  • User identifies the important component of their WFH equipment that provide a one stop shop for new agents.

Users want to be guided through setup both physically and digitally

  • Users found value in both physical and digital setup guides.

  • The physical guidance gives users a smooth transition to the digital guidance.

  • The digital setup guide allows users to interact and assemble the equipment on their own.

We presented four concepts to the client

Concept 1

Concept 2

Concept 3

Concept 4

We conducted two interview sessions to understand the needs and feedback of the users, including five company agents, and four users who had a call center experience in the past.

We tested four concepts in the interview. In concept 2, we proposed consolidating the shipping boxes from 4 to 3 boxes. The COU(phone box) will be included in box 1. We also added a big label on the front of the box with clear company branding to help the agent know where the shipment was shipped from. In addition to the company’s branding, we added a big number on the box to show the agent how many packages they are expecting to receive.

In concept 3, we have a special design for the COU box, which includes the company phone and one selected swag inside the box. The goal is to ship the COU box to the new agent first, then ask them to open the rest of the three boxes on day 1.

In concept 4, we combined every box into a big black box. The black box intends to have a premium look but not too eye-catching when it sits on the porch.

Mobile app onboarding experience

The digital guide provides all the information agents need to assemble their computer hardware on day one. It walks them through the process step by step.

Agents will scan the QR code on the back of the welcome booklet on day one. It brings them to a website with animations and simplified language which guides them through the details.

Screens reference the color-coded labels which applied to all components. Every step has an option for additional details the agent gets confused about during the setup process.

A new experience that will make everyone smile and proud

We used large labels and added the company’s branding and numbers to show the order of the boxes. It helps the new agents to confirm if they have received the completed package. On the bottom of the label, we also include recycled language.

The label helps the new agents know the packages are from the company. It avoids confusion on delivery and shows that the company cares about the details.

A color-coded label system with providing good accessibility in mind

Once box one is opened, the new agents are greeted with a welcome booklet. All hardware components have been labeled. We also remove the excess unused parts, including non-company branded printed manuals. The manufactured printed materials are being moved to the digital guideline as separate screens as links. It smooths the experience by providing things the agent needs and removing stuff they do not need.

In addition to the necessary computer hardware, a company branded mousepad has been added to the welcome kit. It helps tie in the final hardware setup to the company’s brand.

Physical guidance - welcome booklet

Once the new agents open the box, they will be greeted by the welcome booklet. The welcome pamphlet includes the welcoming language and things to do before day one. It helps the new agents know what to expect moving forward.

The simple instructions will help everyone start on the right foot. The book also includes the company’s service commitments to help agents understand what working there is like.

Possible swag in the future

Possible future corporate ID design that ties in the whole equipment setup experience. It helps the agent feel a part of the company’s culture faster.